How do you
respond to a criticism that questions your own values? The most likely response
would be to answer in a sensible manner that would lead to some conclusions. But
if the preferred response is to be defensive it can only create a state of
confrontation which will further leave the naysayer adrift. A month ago I had a
conversation with a lady whose own perception of how the Asian Muslims in Birmingham have learned
to adapt with the British way of life far exceeds my insight. But it was her
response to the ongoing issues linked to Islamism which spelled out the
underlying problem. Boldly she summed it up in a single sentence how one is to
tackle the criticism that Muslims are not doing enough to integrate, ‘They
can’t stop us—they are scared
of us.’ The word ‘they’ refers to the media, the police, the government and
politicians, anyone who believes that apologetic pacifism is not the way to
tackle Islamism.
Racism is
now commonly confused with Islamism. If the argument highlights that the Muslim
community needs to tackle the issue of faith because significance of upholding
Islamism precedes the essential values of human rights, freedom of speech and
gender equality then it is ‘us verses them,’ situation which either needs to be
ignored or demands a defensive stance. The first generation of immigrants who
arrived from Pakistan
have experiences to narrate about how life was difficult in those days. It was
matter of earning to save enough money and probably one day return home. Ties
with the native homeland, and clan were maintained and strengthened to make the
children realize that their ethnic background is an important factor of identity.
Islamic teachings maintaining strong family bonds and upholding conservative
traditional values leading to segregation and subservient attitude of women
were useful in instilling to the children their cultural identity.
I disagree
with the Fox News guest’s statement that Birmingham ’s
multi-cultural vibrancy has made the city a no-go area for non-Muslims. The
city is vibrant and welcoming. But where diversity is good it is also going to
bring new challenges. Overly-populated Muslim neighbourhoods are going to come
across issues because by and large Islam has been adopted as a way of life. Made
to believe by their parents that somehow Islam is going to give them sense of
belonging and protection, the children of the first generation immigrants are
now defensively pursuing to adopt way of life which upholds Islamic character.
I will be told this perception is flawed because many second generation Muslims
are educated, pursuing careers, have plans to settle down as good and decent
citizens. While it can’t be agreed that all Muslims are pursuing the Jihadist
dream to live under the green banner of Islam in Europe, there is something
essentially not right if every criticism is countered with the rallying cry of
racism. While British Muslims prosper economically and benefit from the freedom
to profess Islam as a religion, the disregard to understand the
threat of Islamism which also undermines the British values is twisted and
gross misrepresentation of being enlightened. If it is war front to fight any
insult against Islam but at the same time preached that in Europe
one is surrounded by Kufr-yielding Europeans who know nothing of Islam then it
is only leading to self-destruction.
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