choices now mean putting on halt having children or altogether sacrificing the
possibility of juggling career and family life. There is too much at risk—long absences from work are not going to take you up the
career ladder. Employers and bosses already crippled by the cuts and withdrawal
of government support are not going to hire those demanding job security as it
is becoming too costly to efficiently manage employees wanting to be given
extra benefits.
On the
social side of it, you will probably sacrifice plenty for showing preference to
get in the comfort zone and minimize the ‘I-come-first,’ bit which gave you the
freedom to believe ‘friends matter,’ ‘money can buy happiness,’ or simply be
the person ready to do great stuff which distinguish you as ‘eco-friendly,’ ‘savior
of humanity,’ ‘kick-ass feminist.’ Freedom allows you to indulge in ideas you
are out there to do great service to humanity and the world can do less with
superciliously smug feminist power dubbed as ‘yummy mummy,’ ‘millennium mum.’ The
wishy-washy world of reality shows like ‘Ladies of London’ and ‘The Real
Housewives of New York,’ is just another soap-opera genre that makes us cringe
at the worthlessness of mum-power.
woman with children will not fit into the mould of bored housewives with
billionaire husbands eager to bankroll money so that they can splash out on
expensive clothes, implants and hiring nannies. Most of us are struggling,
coping and dealing with day-to-day stresses of how to get it right. We want the
best for our children but it is race against time, resources and modern stress
to multi-task in order to reach the end goal of successfully rearing and
upbringing the future generation.
Dare I
question who is out there ready to take up the cause of women eager to give up
their ‘I-come-first,’ priorities to stay at home for school runs, make dinner
for families, spend their evenings coping with homework. The government, the
feminist groups and the media have peddled the savvy, feisty and ultra-modern
image of feminism to the point where it is no longer required to give airtime
to anyone trying to make a cause for motherhood.
Next time
you see the demographics of Islam’s population representing that little peak on
the graph to show that the Muslims are multiplying in numbers, try to decipher
the real causes of the time-bomb ticking off in the background. Any economic
growth and sustainability in the long run will depend on self-reinvention of
feminism and where it will be okay to step-off the career ladder to raise
children and not get trapped in a guilt-trip.
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